Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I've been taking breaks bewteen term papers and class cooking assignments. I found out about this interesting hood. It's kind of small, brand new in a way, but I would love to move there after graduation...maybe open a bakery. I could sell raisin buns and carrot muffins in the morning to the citizens, and chocolate eclairs in the evening. I bet I could make a bundle! That would be much better than baking for my great-uncle's coffee shop. They also have some nice looking ladies there...I wonder if they would dig a younger man?

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Business is going well. Rebecca is learning the ropes at crafting toy bricks and she's even helping at the register at times. Sometimes I catch her helping customers find items or encouraging them to buy a gift for thier child. I think she will do well with the business. Very well. Ray is in university. He wants to be a pastry chef for his great-uncle's store, CupaJava. I might have to visit and talk with the family about that.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


My baby brother celebrated his child birthday. It was rather eventful. We ate cake and that's about it. I help in the store after school. Sometimes I work the cash register, other times I help customers find items. Mum and Pop said that they will buy me my very own toy crafting station. I am excited. I will learn how to make toy bricks first and then kites! I wonder if I should go to university. I think I would do better training here at the store for those four simdays. I haven't asked mum and pop yet.