Friday, October 31, 2008

Unpleasant Convos

Mother and I sat down shortly after father's death to discuss several unpleasant issues. Such as wills and insurance policies. I have to send checks to my brothers for father's insurance policy and mother wanted to discuss her policy, not the best conversation after a formal dinner out on the town to take our minds off daddy's death...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Goodbye my love

My lover is like the morning fog, only here for a moment and then in the dawning of a new age, he is gone. My husband of many many simdays is dead...thankfully we enjoyed our anniversary party, but I resent him for leaving me here without him. Here alone with such a cold empty bed. WHY!!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Father died. It was such an ironic death. He

recieved the news of his twin sister's death (Aunt Ayanna or Aunt 'Yanna as we call her) and once he barely hung up the phone when he clutched his heart and died!!! Now the family has to plan his funeral, I told Ray so hopefully he can come for the funeral...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Small Party

I am glad that I agreed to host a small anniversary party for Ajani and I. Time is so short and I think I did not realize how old we had gotten. Our hair is now silver and our wrinkles deeper, but our love is stronger and our family ties are like steel. Aging does have it's benefits.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Rayne and I celebrated our golden anniversary with a small group of family and friends. It was wonderful seeing the look on my darling wife's face. I think I love her more than I did when we first married. I am very content, all my children are safe and happy. My niece gave me word of my son Ray and how he's doing in his new hood. He has a little girlfriend, can you believe it! Perhaps I'll have a chance to visit him and his family once he decides to settle down and have a few children.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Finally News!

Finally we recieved news of Ray from my niece, Fiona. Rebecca talks with him a lot, but Fiona was able to see him in the flesh and that calmed my nerves, especially after the news of the huge hurricane that swept his hood, Simmington Hills. Well he's fine according to our niece and even interested in a lady friend, so maybe I'll get grandchildren from him before my death. All my friends are getting old and making sure thier wills and insurance policies are accurate...a morbid outlook, but at my age it's simply reality.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Brand Spanking New

Business has been good so I splurged on a kitchen redo. Nothing fancy, just new counters and tile walls and a new dining room set. Speaking of business, getting the new buildings up and running is taking longer than I expected. The Peacock is back and running, but I need a new host since Fiona is joining the hood council, so I will promote Jorge and then hire a local teen or two to work as servers. Good help is hard to find, I hope we are able to do something about that soon.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Grandmother

Yea, I'm a grandmother, but still a fit and cute granny. I can keep up with the twins better than the kids. I think it's my special protien shakes, I tried to share one with Rebecca, but she said it smelled horrible. What does she know! Wheat grass and rye seed are wonderful antioxidants. Doesn't she know?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Another Baby?

I know the twins are still infants, but I have already started talking to Rebecca about the possibility of another baby. I want a houseful of kids, heck it was five of us in the house and we didn't kill each other. Amazingly, Rebecca didn't scream bloody murder when I suggested another child. She simply said that it would be best to wait until the twins celebrated thier first birthday before we start trying again.