Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Married Man

Finally Rebecca and I are married! I've waited so long to be with her and have her as my wife! Yes! We were first in the rotation so we quickly put on our formal attire and went to the church and married. My brother, Antonio, took photos (for a family discounted price of course) and we enjoyed a small wedding dinner at the house afterwards.

We're traveling to Tiki Island for our honeymoon the next simday. We haven't decided where we will be staying yet, I would love to visit the Greke Isle with it's stone whitewashed buildings, sandy shores and deep blue ocean. Maybe even the cosmopolition Sunset Beach with the modern hotels and celebrities or the Ti'japaki Rainforest and the active volcanos and hot springs.

As long as I am with my wife, I don't care where we go! I would like to start trying for a family now. I am a bit older than Rebecca and we both lost out on valuable time sitting in the shelter, but I don't want to rush her. Maybe two children, definately not more.

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