Friday, July 25, 2008

Building Plans

I overheard some teens talking about the lack of recreational activities for them and I wondered about starting a youth oriented hangout. There is empty space above The Toy Shoppe and I could get a loan, add a few arcade games, lounge seating, a dance floor and music and a smoothie bar (or maybe nightly snacks like sodas & pizza) and viola! A teen hangout! I could charge admission for the nightly club or simply have the arcade machines collect simoleans and limit the amount of pizza and soda. However, I do like the idea of charging admission. I could simply just have the club open after the Toy Shoppe closes...or maybe the Toy Shoppe could be open on simMonday - simThursday days, while the club is open on simFriday and simSaturday nights. I'd have to do bartender duty of course, but we'll see how that goes. Hmmm...that would be a nice venture actually. For now I am looking to hire a trainer to learn how to craft robots and man the cash register. Mom and dad are getting older and I need to make some wise business desicions, especially now that I'm a mother.

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